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| I was sadden to hear the bad language, from a few of the Worky fans at the game.
I know it was reported to the stewards and that a tannoy announcement was made.
It made no difference at all. One steward was stood on his own looking at the Worky fans.
Now the tannoy announcement said that, foul language would not be tolerated.
Yet it was as no real attempt was made to stop it happening.
So how will the club deal with this went it happens in the future?
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| I suppose it was a one off really. The fact that such a big deal was made out of it proved that it was out of the ordinary.
I really don't think it's worth implementing any tough measures just for the sake of a one off.
I don't know what the club are expected to do? Call in the cops for crimes against the English language? Get a load of stewards to stare at them?
99% of supporters have shown that they can be trusted, so I really don't think there is any need to take any further action due to a few nutters.
I got the impression that Workington had a few unneeded nutters hanging on to them yesterday who possibly wouldn't have always made the effort otherwise? There was one guy who I don't even know if he was the full shilling or just absolutely hammered who was just shouting nonsense and trying to provoke any sort of reaction from the home crowd.
My only suggestion if to have taken any action is that a few stewards could have simply gone up to the fans in question and asked them to tone down the language stressing the fact that there are young children nearby. This is as opposed to having one man starring angrily at them much to their amusement?
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| It has to be said they were just as bad at their own ground.
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| I can understand the odd swear word slipping out when emotions run high.
It's repeated and concerted swearing that annoys me and keeps families away.
Parents with young kids won't come again, even if it's cheap. Not only that, they may encourage their kids not to play rugby, or worse, play the "other rugby.
It makes me cringe when you watch a game on TV and organised singing from the fans contain clear swear words that all the viewers can hear. It takes our game back to the flat cap and whippet days and does our image with sponsors no good.
Like someone has said, it was probably a one off, but without more security or stewards, im not sure what you can do. The people near me remonstrated with those swearing and they just jeered and continued.
Maybe its time to stop admiting drunks into the ground - I'm sure some of these "fans" were off their head when they got off the coach
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| I've stated my position on this before. And I don't mind a bit of swearing if it's in the right context.
Although the rules say Thou shalt not swear as this is a family sport young sir!
Even the Cricket Barmy Army have now have a chant with a cheeky one slipped in.
He bowls to the left
He bowls to the right
Mitchell Johnson's bowling is ........ (I'll let you fill in the blank yourself  )
So long as it's in jest and not used to intimidate or incite violence, hatred or discrimination I don't see a problem with it.
What did cross the line, although it wasn't swearing, was the "We'll do what we want" chant from a group of Workington fans to the left of the sticks straight after the tannoy announcement was put out. A blatent act of defiance like that should be punished IMO.
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| I have to say I share Guess Who's take on this. Early in the game I saw Nigel approach a steward. Now, we all know that Nigel is our club comedian and I am sure can take the good spirited banter, but he was clearly and physically upset by what he had heard. It's unconfirmed, but I got the impression this could have been racist comments being made to Nigel. I hadn't heard anything myself, but I too heard to repeated tannoy announcements which had little to no effect.
From what others have posted it would appear the Town fans paid no attention to the tannoy and had a "do as we like" attitude which only goes to show that the announcements are not sufficient in that scenario.
Firstly, were any racist comments made? If so the Police should have been called and those responsible dealt with. Nigel was clearly pointing and could identify the culprits. Racist abuse has no place in our game, or in any sport. Retrospective action is a lost cause as we need to ID those responsible and ensure they are banned from entering a sporting arena again.
If there was no racist connotation then I agree with the above. I don't mind the odd word popping out and have to admit I have been guilty of the odd one myself. But, like Dreamer says the overt swearing should not be tolerated and maybe the club needs to have a clear policy on dealing with this. On the other hand, we need to be careful and avoid the Warrington scenario where the security there almost created an unnecessary situation by oppressive tactics.
On the positive side, this was I hope a one off as other teams' fans in truth have come down in good spirits. One things for sure, town will not get away with that behavior at Warrington.
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| I am a 71 year old Town fan who was in the shed behind the sticks and yes, I did hear the young Town fans swearing on a few occasions. I don't think the swear words were any worse than some of the so-called comedians of today use on the television but most people would rather not hear them and it is not something we want our club to be associated with.
Having said that, I did not hear any racist chants or shouts and I do think that this is being blown out of proportion, but if there was then let's have a formal complaint made to our club and it will be sorted. The young lads that you talk about travel to EVERY game to support the Town team and can be very vocal in their support. Sometimes they get carried away a bit, like Sunday, (after putting a bit of money behind your bar,  ) but usually a word or two from a Steward normally puts an end to the swearing.
Stealth Comic stated that they swear like this at our own ground but can I say that they used to but not any more. The Town stewards have warned them all and anyone swearing is ejected from the ground. The chant about "we're the Workington Town boys, we'll do what we want" is a copy of what the Manchester United fans chant at Old Trafford. Are all those thousands being defiant as well?
I am sorry if one or two people were offended by their conduct but I do feel that if you had stewards doing their job properly they would not have got away with it more than once. Mind you it's a wonder anyone can hear any chants because of that incessant noise from the drummer boy!!!!!!
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| Quote Geekay="Geekay"I am a 71 year old Town fan who was in the shed behind the sticks and yes, I did hear the young Town fans swearing on a few occasions. I don't think the swear words were any worse than some of the so-called comedians of today use on the television but most people would rather not hear them and it is not something we want our club to be associated with.'"
The difference is that these "so-called comedians" perform after the watershed so young families don't have to listen plus you can always turn over if you don't like it.
Quote GeekayHaving said that, I did not hear any racist chants or shouts and I do think that this is being blown out of proportion, but if there was then let's have a formal complaint made to our club and it will be sorted. The young lads that you talk about travel to EVERY game to support the Town team and can be very vocal in their support. Sometimes they get carried away a bit, like Sunday, (after putting a bit of money behind your bar,
) but usually a word or two from a Steward normally puts an end to the swearing.'"
I didn't personally hear any racist abuse.
Quote GeekayStealth Comic stated that they swear like this at our own ground but can I say that they used to but not any more. The Town stewards have warned them all and anyone swearing is ejected from the ground'" .
Well all I can say is it's a poor reflection on their character that they feel they can go to someone elses ground and swear in front of women and children.
Quote GeekayI am sorry if one or two people were offended by their conduct but I do feel that if you had stewards doing their job properly they would not have got away with it more than once. Mind you it's a wonder anyone can hear any chants because of that incessant noise from the drummer boy!!!!!!'"
They were asked more than once by mothers, by me, by others and by a Marshal and all they did was jeer.
If they can't respond reasonably to such requests then once again they have very little character. Should we have to employ dozens of marshals to cope with such situations when all through our fleeting stay in the higher division we never experience this, even with much bigger crowds.
Personaly, I couldn't care less about a bit of rowdy singing but its a crying shame that it affects a group of supporters (young families) that we have tried to attract back into our game.
Putting all this to one side, the genuine Workington fans should be congratulated for the passion they put into supporting their side.
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| I was one of the mums who complained about the swearing from the town fans. I have been supporting the club since I was 14, so I have been the kid, the teenager who likes a few beers and singing - I married a former cougar spice boy lol, and now a mum with young children. i understand that swear words creep out in the heat of the moment, i bet nearly 90% of the crowd have cursed something during a game. What I object to is the group swearing whilst singing especially songs with f***ing and w**kers included. I did tell the fans to stop it, and some did and some swore at me, which is wonderful when I am stood with my 6 year old, 3 year old and 2 weeks off giving birth to my third child!!! As for the steward, well he was stood there like chocolate fireguard, and to be honest he only stood there after I had shouted at him and told him to be there and not to clear off back to his usual hiding spot on the end of the terracing. I think I am more annoyed with the steward than the town fans - as like in any situation, if you let people get away with things then they will keep on doing it.
My solution is simple, ask the fans politely not to swear, if it carries on, then explain ground rules, appoint a few stewards to stand near and amongst the fans, keeping things light hearted but without foul language, then if people continue to break the rules escort them from the ground.
I do believe that they should always be a steward behind the sticks at both ends of the ground, it makes sense as that is where fans from both sides like to gather.
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| I wrote to the Workington Chair straight away on the day, especially the team singing and using foul language. High spirits i can cater for, and as my son said he has to control himself!! That poor steward was left alone whilst I counted 4 or 5 stewards in the stand, who organises the stewards?? Did feel sorry for him.
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| June Kennedy replied and has said she will talk to the safety officer of their club and the BOD
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