MCM123, that mater's not one jot to the morons who think there the only people who exist, & as for you TDL to mock some one because he has a disability you ought to be ashamed of your self.
One of the reasons this forum is dead is that people like these morons mock your grammar, i got the same, when i posted on the Leeds board, & to be honest I'm totally ashamed of the lot of you, the young lad is known to have a disability.
I got my head crushed in a building accident, what makes it hard for me to make out the words any more, but hay ho you have your fun at the expense of someone ells, & maybe in the future it might be one of you who has the miss fortune to get a brain injury due to an accident or an illness..... but reading the comments you have maid about mcm123, you should be ashamed of your self, but your problems seem far worse than what mcm or myself have.
their is no cure for being brain dead.