Quote meast="meast":roll: read what i wrote again, i am criticising MY team, OUR players for not being smart enough to realise what's happening
Yeah and it's laughable that you think your team are whiter than white and it's only certain teams who try and milk penalties and why the likes of Wigan and Leeds are successful......this self-pitying post from a thread you started on the Hudds board.
"something that's bugged me about the game is "earning penalties", by that i mean actually trying to encourage your opponents to commit offences rather than just happening.
wigan and leeds are the best at it and it's no coincidence that they are the most succesful clubs of the modern day.
"milking" penalties as always gone on but it seems to be as much part of the basics of the game as passing and tackling.
Martyn Sadler wrote in last weeks league express that we were dumb to get caught out by ablett who is a master of winning penalties, every game we see players dropping balls in the tackle, or at the PTB, or falling over at the PTB and appealing to the ref who usually gives a penalty.
wigan seemed especially good at drawing penalties from us last night and we fell for it!, the question is, why do we not use this tactic? sometimes i feel we are too honest as a team, we rarely try and "win" penalties by the use of over reacting and feigning.
as i said i don't like it but it's an accepted part of the game now and we should be trying to get away with it as much as the others do!"
Poor old Huddersfield, if only they weren't so honest and "tried to win penalties" like the rest of SL. But apparently they "don't try this tactic"