Quote Th'ump="Th'ump"Cue Saddened kicking off a parallel thread called "Negatives to take into 2014"'"
To quote Obi wan, "Saddened! is the chosen one, the one who brings balance to the force".
Without me you lot would disappear into a cloud of giddy, nauseating happiness and end up devastated this time next year when we're watching someone else winning all the trophies again.
Anyone questioning my role on this forum should check the above post mentioning Gary Wheeler staying fit

I mean, come on, lets keep the dreaming within reason.
Gaz just needs a good winter break, time to sit in and eat Galaxy chocolate and get over the exertion of running for 59 metres with the ball this year. It takes it out of you. Wouldn't surprise me if he was built like George Mann when he 'comes back'.
I'll throw a positive in there though. If we wake up and sign a stand off with a bit of pace, we may be competitive next season. We won't win anything but we might be able to smell the burger stand. It really is incredibly important that we finish the recruitment off with a stand off. If we don't Walsh with be targeted, we'll be incredibly one dimensional and it's got the potential to turn sour very quickly. We need someone to take the pressure off Walshy. Kyle Eastmond would be good, Danny Brough was be acceptable. Someone with potential from the Championship would be better than nothing. Queue up to moan here and sycophantically claim 'there is no one available wah wah wah'.