Quote thebloodbath="thebloodbath"Start Lunt, get him out of the way.'"
I've given up hope of McDermott using his interchanges wisely. At Huddersfield i know he was reduced to only 2 fit subs by half time but he still made a pig's ear of it.
13mins - Kirke on for Leuluai (Kirke usually comes on for Peacock but fair do's probably earned more mins on recent performances, and only 13 mins for a starting stint from Leuluai is shocking)
15mins - Ward on for Kirke (Ward goes to 2nd row with JJB switching to prop, why not bring Griffin on as a straight swap?)
28mins - Hauraki on for Hood (obvious swap really

, now Ward has to switch to 7 as Burrow has to move to hooker and Hauraki is now 2nd row, why didn't he just bring Hauraki on for Kirke and Ward a straight swap for Hood?)
30 odd mins - Leuluai on for Delaney (Delaney injured, so now JJB has to switch back to the 2nd row, still no Griffin against a 12 man team)
47mins - Griffin on for Peacock (finally uses a prop after nearly 50 mins) (i believe Griffin may have come back off again later on for Leuluai but not 100% on that one, if correct then obviously 33 mins is too much for Griffin)
About 3 mins later - Peacock on for Leuluai (after a massive breather JP thrown back into the action as Leuluai can't do much more than 10 mins even after half time break)
Rest of the game - Hood doesn't get back on so we effectively play the last 50 mins with 14 men, rumour is he tried to bring Hood on but Ablett wouldn't come off (presumed this would of meant yet another position change for Ward up to loose), IF true and if i was coach i'd of marched onto the pitch and dragged any player that refused to come off onto the sidelines, not just accept it.
If you like brain teasers then trying to follow McDermott's thinking with his subsitutions is fun, if you're trying to play and win a game of rugby then you're screwed.
The mins the forwards did are roughly
Ablett and JJB - 80 mins
Peacock - 75 mins
Hauraki - 52 mins straight
Griffin - about 20 mins
Leulaui - three approximately 15 mins spells
Hood - 28 mins
Ward - 13 mins in the back row before 52 mins at half back