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| I have to say that I cannot get over the number of Crusaders supporters who have just jumped on the band wagon and are suddenly Scorpions supporters. As a supporter of the Warriors RU team that used to play in Bridgend I never went near another team afterwards. There are probably all the noisy idiots from the cru days that were a bunch of local muppets who were a big joke to most of the fans. If any Scorpions fans want to do anything to keep control of their team then don't let them start to organise the fans as they will ruin any chances of enjoyment for the real fans at the gnoll. Scorpions for Neath. Old Cru fans go find your own team and leave the locals alone.
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| Oh look another troll.If you never supported another team after the demise of the Warriors, how are you such an expert on who is attending Crusaders games, or given your love of all things local in Neath are you an Ospreys fan now?
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| If anything I miss the 'noisy muppets' you refer to or at-least most of them that were there at the Brewery Field, gave the place some atmosphere and out sung many more established fan bases.Some people seem to forget that RL fans make more noise than RU fans , its a different culture. One thing I have noticed from the Gnoll so far is the amount of fans that regularly go 'up north' to watch the Crusaders first (from last season) and foremost as opposed to the Scorpions and go to Neath when the matches don't clash. Its entirely a personal choice but financially and morally I can't do it. That said I enjoy the continued success of the Gogs ,especially as I used to live not far from Wrexham myself.
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| Albert, I was one of the noisiest "muppets that the locals all thought were a joke" at the Celtic Crusaders, and the Celtic Warriors before that. I organised nobody, joined no supporters clubs but liked most of the other "muppets", Johnny, the Andys etc. Didn't like fat lying slimy two faced AJH and was "changeable" on Lewis.
But I am amazed you want the Scorpions to fail. The Wrexham Crusaders, who cares? Fair enough.
But do you REALLY think the RL fans in Neef ALONE can get the Scorps into RL. Without the Wrexham Crusaders' castoffs, you would have "crowds" of about 10.
In fact, saying that you want people outside of Neef to stay away, how exclusive are you being? Are Neef town limits too inclusive? Would you prefer only "crowds" from the slums immediately around the Gnoll to attend?
You, sir, are a bigger pr i c k than AJH
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| Sorry I thought it was south Wales Scorpions not Neath scorpions.